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Fgiven Up profoundly With Watermarking Software

Fgiven Up profoundly With Watermarking Software

A watermark is an identifying mark placed on original or copies of a document to indicate ownership or authorization. Though the mark is meant to indicate ownership of the document, it may also indicate ownership to individuals who did not legally obtain the document. A watermark is simply an indication of who the owner is. However, this is not a permanently affixed mark.

Applications of watermarks:• Authentication – Many times, an author may want to establish certain privileges and access permissions with the document owner. With watermarking, one can identify who authorized access to the document and what privileges were granted.• Copyright – This is also an important aspect of watermarking as this indicates the person who Owns the material or entity who has permission to distribute it. If the document is registered, the watermark also can be seen as a copyright notice.

Some of the indications that a document may be owned by an individual are different items appearing in the file names such as developer names in files tagged with a code name and specification keys such as Digital Signature.

Advantages:• Security – It provides added security to the document as it identifies the source of the file.• Identification – It also provides geographical information about the location of the file.• clamoring for more information – When the watermark is attached to the document, it also indicates that it is available on a trial basis.• Corporate identity – By showing a corruption or theft of the document, it becomes very difficult to sell or use the material.

Drawbacks:• Love letter – This shows the love letter that was written to the subject or creator of the document. However, the subject may have used the letter for his personal use and it cannot be used for another purpose unless the trial period or expiry date is satisfied.

L prospectus – This is a common form of watermark, which is used to show that the consumer is the owner of the material.

Miscellaneous watermarks – There are also several forms of miscellaneous notices, greetings, diagrams and profiles that can be attached to the original or copies of the document.

How to attach the watermark:When the document is ready for printing, it is important to attach the watermark so that the printouts bear the watermark. The watermark can be put on the printouts in excel or Word. The Word document has a feature that automatically attach the watermark. The Excel worksheet offers watermark and image delation when the user applies a watermark.

In the Word document, the watermark can be attached to the original document text by inserting the marked text to the Word document. Then it can be dragged to the printer. The document in turn has to be closed and the watermark removed. Next it has to be pasted to the excel worksheet.

The watermark should not be placed on the the document end as it will block access to the document. It is better to place it on the second blank the document. When it is printed, the presence of the watermark registers it as a printer error and the print completes normally.

The watermark should not be visible when the file is being printed as it acts as a sort of visual representation of the document in its original form. The application therefore has to be hidden. It only makes sense to hide the application and then open it. For this, the user needs to open the document and choose the ‘ Genealogy and Bibliography’ option from the file menu. From here, the print option will appear. Choose this option and the watermark application will appear as a printer.

The application can be also used to print PDF files.Select ‘PDF’ from the print menu option. Then click on the ‘Options’ menu. You will notice that the ‘ Printers’ tab will open. Under this tab, there will be an ‘Atributes’ button to allow the user to define the properties of the PDF document. Select this tab to fill in the necessary information about the document being printed. Choose the ‘No’ button if you want to remove the application from the printer.

The application can also be used to print images. Like ‘Graphics & images’, the application can be used to print documents containing images or pictures.

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